Yes, like you might have already guessed looking at the subject line, this post is from the frustration caused by all the unnecessary peem peem pom pom you keep hearing while on the roads. What i fail to understand is why dont people realize there must be a reason to put that unpleasent noise on others hears. Once the driver of a cab i was travelling in, kept honkin like every 30 seconds or so. We were once in an empty stretch wit no soul in like quarter km radius and he honked! I got super irritated n asked him for the reason n guess wat, he dint even realize he had honked! He said he had gotten the habit n keep doing it! In another instance a different driver said the city's traffic these days is such that you have to keep honking! What both of these said made no sense to me. It only worsend my frustration! My urge is please push that button only when necessary. If you have got habituated pl get out of it, if you have the same thought as of the second driver i talke about earlier, understand that everyone else in the traffic is as frustrated as you and honking doesnt help it but makes it worse. Honk less, avoid giving headache particularly to migrane patients like me! :-)Driving is not just being able to shift gears n get the vehicle to move, have some common sense!
True maga... and there are also those guys who are standing 1km away from the signal start honking once the signal turns green.. as if they are gonna fly off as soon as its green...