Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Honey, I shrunk the garbage!

                Every city would always have a set of problems to deal with. Be it crime or infrastructure or terror targets etc. But the major one for Bangalore is quite a bizarre one though. Since the last many months one of the biggest problems in the city is its Garbage! Of everything else that can be controlled, garbage? Is it the fault of the Government or we the citizens?
                I would say both. Yes, it is the Government who should have made a scientific, fool proof processes for efficient collection & disposal. Not rely on age old methods or come up with methods that can fall useless on the scale needed for the city. And US? When was the last time you carried an empty cola can with you to ensure its thrown in the right place? How many times have you seen or you yourself have thrown empty candy wrappers or plastic bags in the open? Don’t we , amongst us, have people who throw away their domestic waste in the empty plot at the street corner? Well it certainly helps get rid of trash from your hand/house but is it helping the city any better?
The Chief minister & Mayor launching the program
                There must be a start somewhere & with this problem reaching the city’s throat there are many initiatives being taken now. An NGO started the “Kasa Rasa” program in Koramangala. A great initiative to take care of the waste locally, given that there are so many restaurants around. The Government, a couple of days ago, launched “No Garbage on Road” campaign in 22 wards. The idea is to have the garbage segregated right at the source making it easy for disposal/treatment. It doesn’t take a scientist’s brain to say this isn’t going to solve it all. Nevertheless, shouldn’t we be supporting it? I urge that all of support it, for it is OUR city that needs be made better and it will be US benefiting from it.
                Even school kids know dirty places are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. And with the number of Dengue cases rising in the city, it needs nothing more to explain how bad the problem is. We shouldn’t only HOPE that things get better, we should ACT.

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