While I was looking at them, I could hear a lot of vehicles behind me honk. At first I got pissed since they were honking when the light was RED. Right in the middle of the pom pom I could hear a siren! That was when I realized everybody were honking since an Ambulance, carrying a sick patient, was stuck at the back in the pile.
What would be one’s reaction in this situation? If you are inside your car at the wheels, you would honk asking the guy ahead to move and if you are the first one in the line, move ahead giving space to the Ambulance hoping to save the life inside it. If you were not at the wheels and not even in the first line? You might get down, go to the guys ahead and tell about the Ambulance and ask to move? Would you do that? If yes, Good. And what if you were one of that 3 traffic policemen standing on the other side of the road?
Everybody knows the obvious answer. But what happened was really different from what you want to hear. The signal on my opposite side turned red, the perpendicular road got green. Now was the turn to start pumping in cash from those who disrespect the red light. Both constables jump back on to alert hide themselves ensuring not to be seen by the potential offenders! Remember while all this is on, the Ambulance is still stuck in the signal waiting for way out and the people inside with the hope that the life will be saved.
Nevertheless of what efforts were put, the Ambulance only got to move after the signal turned green. Right after the traffic started moving, the road looked somewhat strange, as if there was a formation like how we see in the airshows, there were vehicles moving on either side of the road with empty space left in the middle. Yes, left for the Ambulance to move ahead. Remember everyone on the road then, were either going to office or college or an Interview or to write an Exam or whatever which would require them to hurry up or atleast reach on time. When normal citizens can show the sense of responsiveness and helpfulness by giving away a few seconds of the life to try and save the life of someone whom you don’t even know, cant the people with responsibility and power try and contribute to it? Is collecting fines more valuable than somebody’s life?
This is all I was expecting out of those 3 guys with power, when the ambulance was stuck in the traffic and someone’s life needs attention, can they not give a break to the jokes they were cracking a break to their money collection focus and try and help. Any one of them could just walk 2 steps ahead and show his palm to the currently open traffic, and everybody would stop without a word, now that is what I am referring to as the “Power”. And then throw open the traffic on the other side for the ambulance to move ahead?
I was extremely disappointed with their money collection focused behavior instead of giving attention to somebody who might be fighting death. While I was discussing this with people around after I reached office, there were several similar instances everybody had come across. Even times when somebody in the front line went up the man in white and asked to change the open line for the sake of Ambulance and the he stood not being bothered.
Why is it so difficult for them to do it when there is a need? Wouldn’t the stop traffic from all sides if there is a minister travelling? Can they dare be not bothered then? Frankly I don’t care if they stop doing that for ministers, but will be happy if they start paying attention to times like these to try and save lives. Mainly because I don’t think a minister travelling in between traffic or even slow moving traffic will get killed. Infact only if they are stuck in the traffic, we experience everyday, will they know what the pain is and what needs to be done to the city.
Comeon you men in white, don’t just be the players for the ministers, do something for all we taxpayers who give you your salary! If not for the sake of being human.